Ainsley went in for her 2 month check up yesterday. She weighed in at 13 lbs. 7 oz (97%), measured in the 50% for height, and 75% for head circumference. The height is questionable, I think she is taller, just hard to measure her as she squirms and kicks. She looked very healthy and is doing just wonderfully! I just absolutely love my chubby cheeks baby girl.
Ainsley is just a perfect little baby. She barely ever cries, loves to be held, loves to watch her big sister, has the most precious smile ever, tracks objects with her eyes and head, loves to stare at objects (especially the ceiling fan) and faces, and best of all sleeps 8 hours most nights (this started at 7 weeks!!). She is on a schedule (started around 6 weeks) where she feeds every 3 hours: 8:30a, 11:30a, 2:30p, 5:30p, 8:30p, and then one early morning/late night feeding. She does great on this schedule and it really helps so that we can plan our day with it. I thought a baby couldn't get any better than Ellie, but I was wrong... Ainsley is so easy.
So on to the sickness... I got sick this past Friday. I had a sore throat, body aches, runny nose, and now have no voice. However, not only am I sick, but yesterday as I went to get Ellie after she had woken up from her nap, I found that she had thrown up on the floor. I initially thought it was just from all the pizza explosion goldfish she had eaten at the doctor (those things are disgusting), but she continued to throw up everything she ate or drank the rest of the day. It was so pitiful watching her throw up and not being able to do anything about it. I felt so bad for her and had no clue what I was supposed to do! Yet again, this is not the only thing that happened...
Ainsley got her immunizations yesterday and had a small reaction. She developed a fever (100.8) yesterday afternoon, and continued to have one overnight. This is stressful for me since at any moment if she shows any other symptom or her temperature rises above 102, then we would need to go straight to the ER. Not an easy task with a toddler and husband who is out of town. I took her back in this morning since she still had a small fever, and she checked out okay. We think it's just from the shots, but I'm keeping a close eye on her. The doctor also checked Ellie out and said she has some virus going around (vomiting followed by diarrhea). I asked her to look at me as well, and she diagnosed me with a different virus going around (cold plus laryngitis symptoms).
It seems all the girls are not feeling so great in our household... this seems to happen when our man leaves. However, we are so thankful and blessed to have friends and family praying for us and also very willing to help out! THANK YOU, we love you!! Keep praying for us...