Tuesday Ellie had her 12 month check-up, and today she went to the hospital to have an ultrasound and some other procedure to test for urine reflux. Praise the Lord that the results came back all clear, so she does not have reflux! It was definitely a lonnng morning because Ellie did terrible during the ultrasound and the other procedure. She screamed the whole time. I think now that she's walking, she hates staying still. It took an emotional tole on mommy, and I'm glad daddy wasn't there because he is much weaker when it comes to her in pain or uncomfortableness.
So you might be wondering what all Ellie can do?? It's amazing to see how fast they grow and what they learn, and it's so much fun to see how much she enjoys every new moment!
Ellie weighed 19lbs. 5oz. at the doctor, so still not ready to face forward (sad, I like her facing forward). She measured 28 inches long... glad she is at least still growing! So that makes her in the 25 percentile for height and weight, but she is in the 75 percentile for head circumference. Therefore I can still say my little girl is a smart little one! ha!
This is all what Ellie can do:
-stands up by herself
-walks while holding objects
-say mama, dada, hey, uh-oh, no, yea, open, up, all done
-point at objects and also points to identify objects you ask her about
-kiss (making the pucker sound... she's so good at this one!)
-won't eat any vegetables without squeezing them in with something else she likes
-I think she is going to be a picky eater because she really only wants fruit to eat!
-she has officially weaned herself (we're on the 2nd day without any feedings, she hasn't asked one bit.... this is such a blessing to know she was ready as much as I was)
-drinks whole milk... not as much as she needs, but we're getting there
-stands on her tip toes to reach for objects on table
-opens cabinet doors
-uses sign language for eat, more, all done
-waves hi and bye (done this for 3 months now!)
Here is a video of her walking (She is just the cutest ever walking!):