Sunday, January 27, 2008

26-28 weeks

I am almost 29 weeks pregnant now! We finished painting the nursery furniture over Christmas which is exciting...on the down side it's currently sitting in our dining room because we only have a one bedroom apartment! To all of you out there who haven't been invited for dinner, that's why. I am getting bigger and bigger each day, and E.B. is moving more than ever. Zach is such a great husband because he NEVER complains when I wake him up every 3 hours while going to the bath room or flipping side to side. These past few weeks I have been feeling fabulous, I've been extremely energetic and hardly had any moodiness (which Zach loves)! Tuesday I will be going to the doctor to have a gestational diabetes test and also to get a shot since I am Rh negative. Please continue to pray for us these last few months as we prepare for our new child! We feel that the Lord has blessed us in a tremendous way and are so thankful for how easily everything has progressed.
Here are a few pictures we took recently:

Here's Kayla trying out the crib for us.

Here's a picture of me at 26 weeks.

Here's our new stroller and me at 28 weeks! Do I look any bigger?

1 comment:

Adam and Kelly Stanley said...

oh my goodness! life is crazy :-) it was great talking to you on the phone today. I cannot wait to see her beautiful face! reading the posts from both of you has been such an encouragement.