Thursday, June 16, 2011

18 months

picture taken by friend, Christie Matta

Sweet little Ainsley, just a bubble of love and life and now 18 months old! I really enjoy watching her personality unfold and how she takes in this big world around her. You haven't seen much on this blog recently, and it's because these two girls keep me busy and I tend to just enjoy the moments without the camera. Ainsley definitely keeps my hands full, she loves getting into everything and following everything that her sister does! Although she is full of life, she stops to give me hugs and kisses every once in a while, this lights up my days.

Facts about Ainsley at 18 months:
-has been a little slow with her vocabulary and annunciation, but now she is fully taking off. I can't fully understand what she says a lot of time, she mostly mumbles sentences. She's picking up a few words almost each day, so it's getting easier and easier each day!
-very interactive, she likes to asks questions and answer questions. She also loves to wave at strangers, and make you laugh in any which way she knows how.
-new thing is to ask where everyone is. If I go get her in the morning she always asks where daddy is and where Ellie is, if Zach goes to get her when she wakes, she asks where mommy is and where Ellie is. It never fails. If we go out during the day to a store, she typically asks at least 10 times where daddy is. If ANYONE is missing out of the 4, she must know over and over again where they are. Love how she just is bonded to our family.
-definitely is attached to our family, all 3 of us. She doesn't like separation from us unless she is with her sister. She is perfectly fine if one of us is with her, but if all of us are gone, she gets upset. We never experienced this with Ellie, although Ellie is the most attached she's ever been and mostly with her sister.
-has freckles! Maybe she'll be like mommy??
-loves to sing! She actually is pretty good and stays on key
-loves to color, sits longer than Ellie does most of the time and will cover the whole page!
-loves shoes, not sure if this is because Ellie loves shoes and she is just copying her older sister, but she loves to go get shoes and try them on (anywhere and everywhere and anyone's)
-loves food, will eat most everything you put in front of her.
-gets along with her sister well. She has finally stopped finding so much joy out of aggravating her sister every moment she can. They play together very well most days, although Ainsley is much more independent than Ellie.
-loves books still. As soon as she wakes up or comes home, she goes and picks up a book. She is just as content reading them herself as she is you reading to her (but don't get me wrong, she LOVES when you read to her).
-has already peed and pooed on the potty! She is very interested in the potty and loves to sit on it. She is also really wants to wear panties. I usually find her at least once a day putting on a pair of Ellie's underwear. I'm not ready to train her yet, let's hope she will wait.
-likes cats more than dogs. Sorry Ainsley, we are NOT getting a cat.
-went to the doctor. Her stats: 25% height, 50% weight, and 80% in head circumference. 24 lbs of BEAUTIFUL.

I can't even describe how much I love this little girl. Sometimes I get distracted at the amount of work and energy they take, but these two girls teach me so much about life and fill my heart with so much joy and love. I continue to look forward to watching my baby girl grow and explore this world...

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